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Online Booking Tool

Munro’s have significant expertise in the online booking space having entered the online market more than 10 years ago. We support multiple solutions including the KDS Neo solution which provides a unique ‘door-to-door’ booking experience and ensures the end to end reservation process is fast and compliant. Using ‘door-to-door’ functionality, the solution provides a total bookable itinerary build and cost point of view (by predicting related expenses for every trip) via a single screen interface. Travellers and travel bookers can interact with a graphical timeline to quickly see that their trip request fits to the required schedule and aligns with your travel policy and personal travel preferences

Key Benefits to our online solution:

  • Munro’s Assistance – merging online and offline reservations
  • Customisable to your travel programme
  • Travel policy configuration and compliance
  • Pre-trip approval with smartphone functionality
  • Mobile solution for 24/7 access

For further information please contact sales@munrostravel.com